THE CALL for nominations for the Publishers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (PAPI) Outstanding Regional Trial Court Sheriff is now open.
This was announced by PAPI President Nelson Santos on May 6, 2023 after the association’s board approved a resolution to launch a search to court sheriff’s whose accomplishments go beyond excellence.
The search aims to promote court services excellence in the Philippines, said Santos.
Santos added: “This Award will be called PAPI’s 2023 Competence and Integrity Award in recognition to Court sheriff’s whose contributions in their professional service and respective communities are worthy of emulation.”
A Certificate of Beyond Excellence will be given to successful nominees for the services rendered that have brought about inspiration and influence to their peers and sectors.
According to the PAPI, the criteria for the selection of awardees are:
1. Filipino Citizen
2. Must be at least 30 years of age and have a very satisfactory performance rating in the past 5 years.
3. Of good moral character and never been adjudged guilty of any administrative, criminal or civil case.
In determining the competence of nominees, the Board of Jurors comprised of the national officers of PAPI shall consider their educational preparation, relevant experience; competence and efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of duties and reputation for honesty integrity , probity and incorruptibility.
And more importantly, nominee has no pending case before the Office of the Ombudsman.
Nominations should come from bonafide members of PAPI where the nominees shall agree to the nomination and willingness to undergo interviews from the Board of Jurors.
The submission of nominations begins on May 15 and ends on June 9, 2023.To know more about the Award and access the nomination forms, please visit PAPI FaceBook Page.