San Guillermo, Isabela – The DOST-Provincial Science and Technology Office (PSTO)- Isabela in collaboration with the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) conducted a seminar for the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) on Carrageenan Technology as Plant Growth Promoter for the agricultural productivity of Estrella Danggayan Agrarian Reform Cooperative (EDARC) on July 05, 2024.

Mr. Angelo V. Capurian, Project Technical Assistant staff of PSTO Isabela, served as the resource speaker to introduce the Carrageenan Technology to the members of EDAR Cooperative.
The Carrageenan Plant Growth Promoter is an agricultural technology developed by the DOST- Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI) that has been shown to improve plant growth and induce plant defense mechanisms, thereby improving agricultural yield and reducing loss due to infestation. The CPGP is currently registered as an inorganic fertilizer by the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority, with the PNRI as the licensed manufacturer.
Furthermore, DOST plans, programs and services were also discussed with the members, especially on the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP).
A total of 42 participants attended the activity and acquired the knowledge of the Carrageenan Plant Growth Promoter as one of their inputs in agricultural production. (DOST)