AFP Identifies Dapitan as an R&R Site

Dapitan City- Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) designated City of Dapitan as the official rest and recreation facility for its personnel, officials and members from all service branches of the AFP during the visit of Armed Forces of the Philippines and Foreign Armed Forces Attaches at Dakak Resort, Dapitan City on Octobre 06-08, 2023.

The agreement is set to be processed within the year with special offer of privileges and/or discounted rates to the Armed Forces of the Philippines personnel for room accommodations, meals, and other amenities that officials and personnel will enjoy. Since the insurgency-free declaration of the province in 2022, Zamboanga del Norte specifically the City Government of Dapitan has been promoting activities that will boost local economy through tourism and recently applauded as the best 5150 race in the Philippines by participants of the 5150 Dapitan Triathlon, an Ironman series that promotes sports tourism and wellness. 

The R&R program of the AFP is among the leadership initiatives of the agency to boost further the morale of officials and personnel in appreciation of their sacrifices and contribution to peace and security campaign. This is also further seen as an opportunity to allow soldiers and its officials and families to see the tourism potential of the City of Dapitan and the Province of Zamboanga del Norte in the hopes that their stay may help enhance image perception through jam-packed activities from beach, history, entertainment, culinary, adrenaline-pumping sports adventures and many others.

R&R program such as this are not first time in the department as there have been similar programs developed by previous administration to help boost moral of officials and personnel. To the Local Government , this is more than just building morale, this can also be a way to promote tourism economy that will help generate revenues and moreover promote the destination.